(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

------------> mtgmarket

mtg market ----------->


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

UnstableFlux wrote:


This is a selling thread, please move it to the selling forum


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

isn't this what mtg market is for?

-----> mtg market


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Kol wrote:

Bump. Prices lowered. Will take $400 shipped for the lot.

market forum


(4 replies, posted in Foil Traders)

grossoggodeckbox wrote:

FBB duals, Power (other than Timetwister), Judge Ons Fetches, Tabernacle, Bazaar - that kinda stuff is what I'm looking for, with FBB duals being my main wants.

Hey - after thinking a bit more, I may be interested. What value are you looking for it?

market forum?


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

doesn't this go in the market forum now that it's active?


Themaddhatter2304 wrote:

What do you value the Rofellos at?

Ebay or TCGPlayer should answer that for you

Also willing to trade other things in inventory (just ask).

Interested in:

  • Paypal

  • EDH foils

  • Older Foreign foils (7th edition and earlier)

  • Foil Snapcaster

  • Other interesting stuff

Open a trade if interested!

have LP SnT, what version of Bob do you have


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

actiontech wrote:
mtgtradingthread wrote:

this should be in mtg market, right?

It would, if said market forum was open.  It is not.  Yet.


212 members?


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

this should be in mtg market, right?


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

doesn't this go in mtg market?

what condition is your cradle and goyf in?

I've got a foil catacombs I'd trade for paypal+a few cards. Open trade if you're interested


(3 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)

centurion911 wrote:

I want more Legacy staples. Here's what I have as of right now for trade.

Full art Foil Damnation
Foil Sigarda
2x Promo Batterskull
Foil Spirit of the Labyrinth
4x regular Spirit of the Labyrinth
1x Sword of Fire and Ice
1x Sword of Feast and Famine
1x German Umezawa's Jitte

Legacy staples
Chains of Mephestopheles is something I would do cards + cash for

interested in your DE Jitte, take a look at my list

EntropyQ1 wrote:

Is your German Scrubland FBB or FUB?

If it's FBB I'd love to try and trade for it smile

yes it is FBB.

Also still have unhinged and zen lands, including foils

BasedJeleren wrote:

I'd love to pick up an island, plains, and forest! how much are they apiece?

open a trade and we can discuss

I've got some Unhinged lands for trade.

11 Unhinged Plains
15 Unhinged Islands
7 Unhinged Forests
12 Unhinged Mountains
19 Unhinged Swamps

Most are SP or NM. Looking for:

MTGO tix
Gaea's Cradle
Glimpse of Nature x3
Natural Order (Visions)

Open a trade if interested!Also have a few Beta lands and some Chinese full art Zendikar lands.


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

axp878 wrote:

Just in case anyone believes this joker go checkout ebay yourself.  You can get playsets of Abrupt Decay for $18.50 and Deathrite Shaman for $40.

Lowest 3 BIN Decay playsets are 26,27,28 = 81

Lowest playset of DRS is 47 BIN + 12.5 = 60, or 5x 12.5 = 72.5

Lowest Lilly BIN is 50

12 Decay on TCG is 73 bucks, 5 DRS is is 60. Lilly is 48. (NM)


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

axp878 wrote:

"Real money"?  Go open your own store and you can charge retail.  I choose to trade at TCG low, no one is forcing you to trade with me.  Don't get all pissy because I wouldn't let you rip me off.  Beware of this guy, tried trading straight across the board my $45 card for $5 - $10 cards.  Obviously trying to sucker other less experienced people.

mtgtradingthread wrote:
axp878 wrote:

Using TCG low Lili is 45.56 vs 10.50 for DRS and 4.25 for Abrupt Decay.  I'd need about 3 playsets of Abrupt Decay, 5 DRS, or some combination of the two.

this equates to 70+ bucks (12x decay or 5x drs) for 50 bucks (1 lotv) in real money.

70 (at least) is what it would cost to buy those cards in NM condition on Ebay or TCGPlayer. Those are not retail outlets. 50 is what it would cost to buy a LOTV on Ebay or TCGPlayer.

Why are you whining at me in private messages?


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

axp878 wrote:
Rydon wrote:

How many of each are you looking for?

Using TCG low Lili is 45.56 vs 10.50 for DRS and 4.25 for Abrupt Decay.  I'd need about 3 playsets of Abrupt Decay, 5 DRS, or some combination of the two.

this equates to 70+ bucks (12x decay or 5x drs) for 50 bucks (1 lotv) in real money.