Hi there,

I put together a pauper decklist containing Vicious Battlerager and Aaracockra Sneak which are banned in pauper. However, the deckbuilder said they were legal in Pauper.

Just a small request to update the ban list for Pauper when you have the time please.

Thanks, Dan


(2 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Thanks for letting me know. I have enabled a seller's account.


I am looking to sell all my non-Standard cards.
It's roughly 14000 cards ranging from Revised mostly through to  Tempest \ Stronghold \ Exodus and a handful beyond.
There are a couple of dual lands, wastelands from tempest, force of will etc.
There's also a couple of World Championship decks from 1998 for fun and some cards from Portal and Unglued.

Please have a look and give me a shout if you're interested with a sensible offer.

Cheers, Dan