(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey all, my name is Jess and I've been playing magic since the zendikar block, though I've read up on earlier sets and bought a few things for them. As of recently, I've been spending so much on cards its a wonder that I'm not broke yet.

I'm happy I found this site. Found it while on a quest to look up information on Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur.  Absolutely love the praetors ~

During zendikar, I only played on and off. At about the mirrodan set is when I've started to get back into it hard core. Got my boyfriend hooked and now have over 2000 cards... Tried to inventory them on my mtg app on my phone, but its hard to keep up and keep things organized. Thats why I love this site and told my boyfriend about it (he's under the name WhiteKnight7).

Stated off as more of a collector than player, but now I'm both. First pre-release I went to was for the recent innistrad block and I'm planning on going to the dark ascension pre-release as well.

Favorite tactic by choice would be anything besides ticking life points down. Mainly milling some one, this my user name here.

Hopefully I'll come out of my shell and start hopping into these forum boards and chatting. smile