What's your valuation on the FBB Land Tax?


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Have a crimped Legends Reset, and much less interesting crimped Labyrinth Minotaur.

I also have a number of Marrow Gnawers from Salvat-Hachette, both in French and Italian. Basically foreign white bordered with a strange set symbol.

Beyond that just a few P3K basics, Collector's Edition Raging Rivers.

Also have a sealed set of 10 DCI Ulamog's Pathrazer, and a sealed set of 50 BFZ release Blight Herders.

any chance you have any shockland playmats?

I have a german FBB Sol Ring, and an EXP Sunken Hollow I'm looking to trade away


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hi there,

I'm trying to get rid of two kytheons as they are just sitting around unused. They are both pristinely NM and I am willing to trade them at 75% value.

Even if you don't have anything on my wants but are interested in the kytheons, let me know. I often look for cards off my list for EDH.

I'm looking to swap these expeditions, with appropriate value to even out the trade.