981227988603051 wrote:

Card count in the inventory's header, that is in brackets next to word 'Inventory' stays always the same
regardless of filters used, even though it adds '(filtered)'  to the end of it. So I assume it is a bug.

Or is there any other way to see filtered card count for all copies (not just distinct cards, which is shown on the table header).


I would like this feature as well!

Would have saved me loads of time. Thinking of writing a JS script myself for a little while.


(21 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:
Locutus wrote:

High Priority???

Plans changed a bit since then, and other features were requested / needed / released first smile

Is there actually a compatible android APP I could use?
It's more to search which cards I own. I don't mind using the import/export CSV option. Just wondering if any app out there does this.
I don't need that much options!

I'm thinking deckedbuilder does this but i'm not sure.