This make sense.
In my case, because I'm trying to do an "exporter" to Deckbox, I will use the Printing Note, I don't have the Printing Id info.

Thanks for the info.


I'm a softawre engineer, so I'm not surprised about bug. Here, what "bugs" me, is that I don't understand how this could be fixed.

Are you planning to use the "Printing Note" field while importing ? Or maybe to use different Card Number, like 255a versus 255? Can you let me know?

I'm trying to create a converter to import my cards "correctly" in Deckbox, and for now, those Full Art BFZ cards are the first that are impossible to import.


I'm trying a very basic thing:
- Export from Deckbox
- Import the export file

And I can't get the same result. Pretty basic file (see below).

It seems that there is no way in the Import phase to make Deckbox understand the I have the Full Art version of those land cards.
The Printing Id and Printing Note, provided by DeckBox while exporting, is ignored while importing.

Any idea how to fix/work around this?
Note: This is already complex to import/export for one tool to another, this is the first time I see a single tool not even able to import is own file!

Count,Name,Edition,Edition Code,Card Number,Condition,Language,Foil,Signed,Artist Proof,Altered Art,Misprint,Promo,Textless,Printing Id,Printing Note
1,Island,Battle for Zendikar,BFZ,255,,,,,,,,,,30012,Full Art
1,Island,Battle for Zendikar,BFZ,256,,,,,,,,,,29784,Full Art
1,Island,Battle for Zendikar,BFZ,257,,,,,,,,,,29924,Full Art
1,Island,Battle for Zendikar,BFZ,258,,,,,,,,,,29871,Full Art