(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

New to the site, have some trades in the mail, but I'm looking to make more. 

My biggest haves are...
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
Nissa, Vastwood Seer
Kolaghan's Command

Everything else is under 10 dollars a piece in value.  Overall I'm looking to shrink my collection size and refine my decks.  I'm just about done updating both, so if you see anything you need throw out an offer big_smile

Japoco wrote:

The short answer is as long as you want, especially when stalking them.  As is stated here, there are many reasons to use deckbox and people aren't here to serve you.  They may be busy, considering the trade, just signed on to check a card/deck, didn't like something you did, don't like the trade, seeing how impatient you are to gauge if you're a scammer, etc.  Stalking doesn't help this in any way.  If you're in a rush, just cancel the trade.  Otherwise you have to wait for whatever reason they aren't responding.

I've found that, after a few days, changing something in the trade and then change it back is usually a good idea to give people time.  This kicks the trade down so it has to be re-proposed to be accepted and it doesn't tie anything up in a commitment for people who take a while with trades.  If it's in an editing stage, there really isn't a need to cancel and it gives people all the time they want.

Oh it was less stalking them and more rechecking trades after I had added more to my tradelist and wishlist.  It's just the only forum trading I've ever done was wayyy back on d2jsp and then on the PoE forums.  Both were pretty quick so I just wanted an idea of the atmosphere here.

How long do you give someone to respond if you see they've been online?  I just started out on here, I have 4 trades in the mail, but have proposed 10+ others.  Every trade I send out with a hello and all the cards are from our matching trade lists and wish lists.  A few people haven't replied at all, but are shown as active.  Do people typically just ignore a trade they don't want?  I don't want to spam/be annoying but I've got to assume they've seen it, since I sent it with a message and I get an email when someone proposes a trade to me, so I'm assuming they're receiving one when I do it as well.  I just don't want to be proposing a bunch of trades with overlapping cards, so I'm tempted to cancel the proposals so I can throw new ones out to other people x.x