(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:
yearofglad wrote:

I have a Maelstrom Wanderer in a deck from Planechase 2012. In the deck view, it lists the price as $40, which is closer to the price for the Commander version. In my Inventory window, it lists the price as $18 or so, which is basically the actual price selling elsewhere.

Yep, deck lists use generally the last printed 'core' edition or the last printed edition. They are not directly tied to your inventory in any way.

We do want to address this though, in the same release as 'inventory tagging'.

I would like to say that I would like to be able to make a "playset deck" of each edition so I can track my collention needs.  Meaning, I can make a deck of 4 of each card in the set and go to the deck to see which cards I'm missing to complete my playsets collections and how much it will cost me to get them.  So, being able to choose the edition on cards in a deck would be an AMAZING feature for me!!! smile