(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Looking to sell entire collection. Check out what I have listed. Make a reasonable offer and it's all yours!

Most commons and lots of uncommons that I have aren't listed. Also included would be set storage boxes and the like.

Just "finished" putting all my cards into the site. Still have many more uncommons and commons, but have decided to stop for now, as I doubt the rest are worth more than a few hundred at most.

I'm looking to sell everything at once. Not sure what the best way to do that is.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Distinct looks correct to me, but total isn't. Should be nearly double that. Even just eyeballing all the pages one can tell that there is more than double the number of distinct cards.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The number of cards it says I have in my inventory is incorrect. I exported and looked at the CSV file, and it is indeed vastly different.


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Are you sure you don't have QuickAdd Mode on?