Feel free to message me with a price. I'm certainly interested... able to do scans?


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


I hate not being able to upvote in these forums neutral


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

That shit cray.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'd be interested in the Mana Leak and the Lightning Bolt... do you have a price in mind for them? On a related note, are you willing to take cash and/or trade? (Different prices for each option?)

If only trade, feel free to look at my tradelist. (Stuff in Inventory is technically tradeable, but I'd probably want a better deal for them.)

I had the same issue in a trade with Woolcock66.
Could you do the same for me? He's a great trader, deserves the feedback.

Same here. Figured I'd give this a bump. Hopefully they come up with a way to change it sad

I'd highly recommend Woolcock66 for trades. I hate I can't bump his completed trade feedback up hmm

Yeah, I know sad Nothing in the inventory is TRULY off limits, but it would have to be a good deal in terms of holding value.

Finally got a job after well over a year of being unemployed, so hopefully the tradelist will grow soon enough big_smile

As dumb as this is, I'm looking for 4 Tunnel Ignus. (It's not as if I'm going to over-value them, though. I mean, seriously, they are Tunnel Igni.)

I prefer trades to be over $10, at the least. That said, if you have any, give my tradelist a glance and send me a trade offer if you're willing to accept counter-offers.

Most Wanted:

1 Vorapede
4 Hinterland Harbor
2 Woodland Cemetery
1 Snapcaster Mage
2 Solemn Simulacrum
1 Surgical Extraction
1 Slagstorm
2 Black Sun's Zenith
2 Ratchet Bomb
2 Wurmcoil Engine
4 Noxious Revival
2 Phantasmal Image...
and 4 Tunnel Ignus.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

For real. I played Magic before it was... oh wait, never mind.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Will keep my eye out at local events, just in case... good luck!

I've got one. Make an offer and I'll counter.


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Once you've figured out where you're at with the trades already mentioned, post an update and let us know what you're still looking for... I've got some of these somewhere, but am not gonna go looking until I know exactly what I need to find smile

I've got some of those... will make you a trade offer shortly!

I disagree... if you feel like the trade is dragging on, just cancel it.

Some people just aren't as eager to get trades done, they have other things going on, etc. Doesn't mean that they're not trustworthy, just not what you were looking for in your ideal trade.

Disappeared how so? Has he supposedly shipped the cards and they haven't shown, or has he just stopped negotiating a trade?

Had been avoiding using this space for this, but it seems to be working for others, so I may as well give it a shot.

I'm really needing Snapcasters and Darkslick Shores, among other Standard cards. Most people with them seem to only want to trade for $40+ cards, which is all well and good, just not helpful for me.

If you've got some spare, please take a look through my Tradelist (http://deckbox.org/sets/125585) and let me know if there's anything you'd be interested in trading them for. Thanks so much.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Added to what list?

Please consider when packaging your trades for shipping the journey they may take along the way... here is one of my recent batches of acquisitions, as I received it:
It can often still be only a couple of bucks to send with confirmation and in a padded/bubble envelope. Just something to think about.

Also: Please be sure to double- and then triple-check your trades before sealing them up and sending them off. 2 of my first 5 trades have been missing a card. It's not the end of the world - luckily both have agreed to work it out - but super disappointing.

Just seems that the better experience people have trading within this group, the larger potential pool of cards we all have access to. Thanks! smile

If you've got loads, I'd like 'em too smile

Maybe this thread would be a good place to post... I've got some Pokemon cards (both Japanese and non). Msg me on here or on Reddit if you're interested, and I'll send you the list.

Hopefully we can both find some folks who are looking!

My advice would be to update your profile on Deckbox to say what of your inventory you are willing to trade, and add the Darkslicks to your wishlist along with anything else you need. Then you could post in the Trading thread on Reddit tomorrow, drawing attention to your lists!

I posted for the first time last week and ended up with loads of proposed trades. Good luck!


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Damn hmm Was in the inventory last night, thought you had a shot. For what it's worth, I'll keep an eye out.

OK, here goes. Figured I'd post these here in case you aren't interested and someone else is.

On top is the Adarkar Unicorn I believe/guess/surmise is a misprint, next to a normal copy. Looks as if the blue used for the mana symbols in the rules text bled all over.

On bottom is an Ophidian signed by Jon Finkel, both for comparison to the above and because someone might be interested in it. (Relevance - http://www.wizards.com/sideboard/articl … 1\654fm15a)

Also, here is the French Woodripper signed by the artist, Alan Pollack.

If you or anyone else is interested, let me know in this forum... I think it'd be a fun thread to have running, so everyone can see the weird foul-ups and oddities floating amongst us.

Here's the goods! - http://i.imgur.com/iks2x.jpg
P.S. - The attachment option on these forums apparently sucks hmm

I disagree with requiring the seller to go through with it if a reserve is met. With the way cards fluctuate in price, it's entirely reasonable to say that a playset of 4 cards could change enough where it wouldn't be worth it for the seller anymore. If there's any kind of worry like this to the seller, they just won't bother using the system.

Seconded. If the reserve is set by the seller, and the auction happens fairly quickly, I don't see why this would be a problem anyway.