The new version with the Magic 2014 Core Set will be available in 1-2 hours until the google servers sync smile

kappolo wrote:

Also, the split cards from Dragon's Maze are not recognized

I found the problem and fixed it smile A new update is on the way... 1.0.8,  it will take a few hours until all the Google Play servers sync... Now with split cards, any name can be scanned, for example for Profit // Loss, it's OK to scan only 'Profit' or 'Loss' to find the card. Thank you for mentioning this!

kappolo wrote:

Also, the split cards from Dragon's Maze are not recognized

Thanks for mentioning this, I'll look into it smile

kappolo wrote:

I would like to have with multiple languages, since I get several booster packs for Japanese and German.

I've tried out the app, and Mountain Yeti was recognized as Mountain. Also I had to stay perfectly still for few seconds before it picked up the card name.

It would be nice if it could recognize the version of the card, I have few cards that I don't know if they are alpha, beta, revised and such. Also it would be nice to have the "add" to add any count of the cards, because scanning for 10 times the same card can get laborious.

Also I have noticed that it has some issues recognizing old sets fonts and white text

I really like to look up for prices and the ability to sum them up, easy when trading.

I think I will use this app frequently. Good job!

The cards with the old font are not supported, anything before the 8th edition is not in the app database, so it will not find it. For now it's just 8th edition -> latest.. Mountain Yeti is with the old font and it's not in the database, the closest is Mountain the basic land, that's why it will always find Mountain and not Mountain Yeti. I have some ideas on how to make it work with the old cards, but it's a lot of research and it will take time and can't promise it will work... 

I have plans to add a way to duplicate the cards, so that you don't have to scan each card if they are the same.

Thank you for the feedback! If you find anything else, just tell me smile

CuriousPanda wrote:
unimatrix088 wrote:

I made a new Android app that scans MTG cards (you don't have to type the cards name, you use the camera), after you can export the list and import it in your account! I think this will help to catalog cards faster or keep the database up to date. You can get it from Google Play store or to see it without installing it, there is a  demo video . Also I've made a new topic about the app in General Discussion smile

Definitly a useful app, unfortunately I use an iphone instead of an android, so all I can do is hope you plan on making an iPhone version in the future. I know I would use it.

For iPhone there are at least two apps, iMTG and Cardsplice.

I made a new Android app that scans MTG cards (you don't have to type the cards name, you use the camera), after you can export the list and import it in your account! I think this will help to catalog cards faster or keep the database up to date. You can get it from Google Play store or to see it without installing it, there is a  demo video . Also I've made a new topic about the app in General Discussion smile

Do you have an Android phone? If yes, then this is the app you've been waiting for!

MTGScanner is finally an Android application that can scan MTG cards and display their online price!

Now trading cards can be done in just a few seconds, no more need to run to a laptop to search for the prices online and neither the need to write their names, just take pictures!

Also there is an export function, you can export the cards as a text list and quickly import it in your account smile

All sets are supported starting from 8th Edition (2003) to the current one, which is  the Magic 2014 Core Set, actually cards with the normal font.

Currently only English cards are supported, but there are plans to add more languages in the near future.

Get it from Google Play 

Also the Facebook Page , please like it to keep up to date with changes smile

So what do you think about the app, it's good/bad, what needs improvement? Please leave a reply, Thanks!

Also, to show the new scanner function I made a video (my first youtube video actually big_smile )

MTGScanner -  updated scanning module (youtube video)
App screenshot: