Hey, thanks that was all really helpful! I went ahead and cancelled my first trade proposal because it looks like the guy hadn't logged in a little while. I wonder if you (@Kammikaze) might want anything I'd have in my inventory, maybe you could show me how it's supposed to work? Haha I don't want to impose too much though because you've already gone out of your way a lot to help me. I'm really trying to find a Kaalia of The Vast to build a commander deck with, any tips on how to start looking for specific stuff like that? Thanks for all your help BTW!
2 2016-11-21 16:24:43
Re: New to deckbox (7 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Thanks guys, that's really excellent advise. I appreciate you both taking the time to respond to a newbie to the site. That makes sense what you've said about communication and working things out. I'm generally pretty amicable about things of that nature and I don't play competitively so I don't think I'll get too salty about small issues. That being said I really like what you said about accuracy with card conditions and sets. I have a few cards like "Library of Leng" and I can't tell what set it's from but I listed it as being from 4th edition (I think it's either 4th or "R") But I'll need to be sure about things like that before I send out cards. Does the site have any type of general guidelines that constitute types of card conditions? I just want to make sure I'm representing my inventory with accuracy. Again, thanks for your time! This seems like a fun way to trade!
3 2016-11-21 14:41:06
Topic: New to deckbox (7 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I'm a casual player new to Deckbox just learning the lay of the land here. I've updated my profile and uploaded some inventory and I've just attempted to initiate my first trade. Can anyone give me any advise on how to use this site? It looks like the trader reputation is a big deal so I think I'll need to be sending cards first until my trade score is higher at least.
Any other little tips that could come in handy? Thanks for reading!