I have quite a bit in my trade folder, including too many zealous conscipts, a playset of wolfir silverhearts, and an alter vorinclex.
I have Isolated Chapel, Vault of the Archangel, and Sulfer Falls for trade as well.
The standard deck I am trying to complete is here http://deckbox.org/sets/178108
The least important cards are the Huntmaster's as I have some I can borrow, but I am looking for the rest as soon as possible.

Making two new EDH decks



Got a bunch of standard cards up for trades, will probably have more next week as well. Please make me an offer!

Making two new EDH decks


Got a bunch of standard cards up for trades, will probably have more next week as well. Please make me an offer!

Hello, I am trying to trade for the cards in these two deckshttp://deckbox.org/sets/148009?s=n&o=a and http://deckbox.org/sets/159186.
I am still looking for every card in those decks with 1 in the wishlist. My tradefolder has a bunch of Innistrad and Dark Ascencion Rare's in it mostly. I also have a Full art altered Rafiq for trade and plenty of INN/DKA playable uncommons if you are looking for any. Please make me an offer if you have any cards I'm looking for!

Sounds good man! Yeah, just make a trade with what you think will be fair.

I'm making a new edh deck and need all the cards listed here - http://deckbox.org/sets/159186
A lot of the cards are cheap common/uncommon cards that I'd much rather trade for than buy.

I don't want to alarm anyone, but I actually have a foil lost in the woods. Its amazing.

I am trying to make a pirate themed EDH deck, kinda on a budget too.
I am looking for everything on this list
I have a lot of standard common/uncommons and a bunch of rares. Most of the cards on that list are >$1, but I have no way of obtaining them as the game store in my town only has as far back as rav block, and not even complete sets back that far.