(11 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

that u/b zombie deck is fairly cheap to make too... seems tempting someone had a zombie deck at FNM last week.


(11 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

on that sunday?... i dont know what the difference is between Single elimination booster drafts and Single elimination competitive booster drafts.. is it just better pay outs?


(11 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

yeah need tons of draft practice for that sunday big_smile!


(11 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

Dang work wouldnt give me off on saturday :{ wanted to play in std... but ill be there sunday prolly draft or play legacy if i can get a deck in time. big_smile


(11 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

In two weeks SCG Dallas will be here!
http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthre … ce=message
anyone planning on going to this?