Hello all!

With Modern Masters coming up soon I'm kind of excited to get into Modern, so I'm trading off some of my more valuable Standard stuff. Trade & Wish lists in the sig!

Edit: I suppose I should clarify - I don't want exclusively fetchlands. I'm open to other offers as well, but trades involving fetches obviously get priority in my eyes.

When you say trade down, you mean you'd accept a few cheaper cards for a more expensive card, right? For example I'm interested in Maelstrom Pulse @ $10.82. So you'd be interested in 2 to 4 cards that total up to about $11, is that correct?


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Woolcock66 wrote:

What were you looking for him to do about the damaged card?

Responding to the OPs contact attempts would have been a good start. If I had goofed up like that and sent cards in such a way that they would easily be damaged in transit and the recipient notified me, I'd at least offer to send something else to make up for the lost value.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Profile is here:
