(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I don't see the option of liking a post here, could be useful smile

DMU Jumpstart seems like a failed execution, hopefully they will come up with some improvements as the idea is nice, but execution seems pretty weak with this particular product (not enough variety, no Dominaria related themes).

Generally Wizards don't make it easy to organize products lists... there is a ton of them currently and they are often confusing, series often get closed after a few products, some get renamed or reshaped randomly. Secret Lair and Universes Beyond are confusing. Maybe some broad categories and lists by year, or some tags to filter by different dimensions.

I remember I suggested a unified table form with filtering for presentation. But current organization is quite nice once you get used to it. So keep up the good work.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I tried newer links and got 404s on Dropbox
- Kamigawa both commander decks
- challenger 2022

Random check
Commander 2015: Spirits
(Warning: This URL has been blocked by Bitly's systems as potentially harmful.)

Are there CSV's on the repo or something for the newer precon decks (released in 2022)?

I remember there was some reason for not hosting and linking directly... I don't remember why.

Any updates on the shutdown situation?
Seems quite bizzare to me, what's bitlys and dropbox problem here...
SCVs are not heavy, not malicious (its a text file...)
and those files are really useful, but I highly doubt they get enough traffic for services like bitly or dropbox to really care...


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

You can use some editor like Excel or Libre office Calc
Beware they sometimes corrupt CSV files with default settings
and might need checking some "advanced" options or manual fixes to work correctly in some cases.

CSV is a really simple format,
yet office software doesn't treat it seriously
there are often issues with:
- weird special character encodings
- random reinterpretations of data in cells (e.g. converting some numbers to dates, cutting digits from longer numbers)
- incorrect escaping of characters like comma or quote that have special meaning

Most of them based on the fact that CSV is simply text in row/column cells, and those programs try to do more...
If anyone knows good simpler CSV handling program I'd love to hear about it.
I tried looking for one online and what i found wasn't better than office software hmm
And I had a lot of CSV files in my old job.
But combination of office software + notepad + some simple scripts in C# or python worked best. hmm
Some file diff tool to check if office software changed something it shouldn't also helps sometimes.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I don't recommend using excel for CSVs - it corrupts data with its magical autoformatting and poor Unicode support.
Unfortunately I haven't found anything better for manual browsing, but wherever you can I do advise using scripts and text editors rather than excel for edits.
Then checking in excel without saving.
As it is easy to break CSV data. Fortunately MTG cards don't use many special characters, long digits or date like digits, so it shouldn't be that bad.
But be careful, excel "helping" breaks things.

Empty lines are not CSV compatible. There should be a data row there, CSV does not have comment rows etc.
But i guess as long as it doesn't break import it might improve clarity to some degree...
but some tools might break when rows don't follow same column pattern, so this might hurt when writing automated fixes with scripts.
I only uploaded files I got by crawling page, I didn't change them.

If there is some extra constraints like sorting be edition then collectors number etc we can write e.g. python script to fix/enforce this.

bump for PR:
https://github.com/meldon44/mtg-precons … e9a6061244
splitting 6 lands to proper types, i can fix the ones where i didn't sort by collectors numbers (Islands) if this style is expected


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

PR for splitting 6 in 2-2-2
https://github.com/meldon44/mtg-precons … e9a6061244
5 and 7's left unmodified as pattern needs to be confirmed, for all i know they might go random on them smile

If "Jumpstart Front Cards" were added I can update this part of CSVs.

I opened quite a few JMP packs. There were many cards in the set i liked and didn't have.
Generally got quite good packs but didn't hit Rhystic Study I wanted for EDH related collection part, I'll need to trade for it.

Phyrexian swamp is really unique, and i didn't have Sheoldred
guess now i need to search for Phyrexian Elesh Norn to match... or not 300$... why cant this game be cheaper sad
Its really fun to play and collect but many prices are just absurd hmm
I started collecting in Amonkhet and there is so much backlog to catch up to.
I think im pretty crazy already but there is just way too much stuff.

Assuming packs are equally likely there between those 121 different packs (10+1 Mythic, 30Rare, 80 common packs)
1 in 121 is 0.82%
around 18% chance if you buy a whole 24 pack box
around 54% chance if you open 4 boxes...
to get 90% you need 12 boxes of JMP, and you can still not get one 10% of time...
Guess I'll better just buy Rhystic Study, it is in one pack type only

Edit: found bug in forum, pasting Unicode cry emoji ends post content


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I checked jumpstart packs I got:
Jumpstart - (B) Phyrexian.csv
Jumpstart - (B) Spooky 4.csv
Jumpstart - (B) Vampires 4.csv
Jumpstart - (B) Minions 1.csv
Jumpstart - (G) Cats 2.csv
Jumpstart - (G) Dinosaurs 3.csv
Jumpstart - (G) Lands 2.csv
Jumpstart - (G) Predatory 1.csv
Jumpstart - (R) Lightning 2.csv
Jumpstart - (R) Smashing 1.csv
Jumpstart - (U) Milling.csv
Jumpstart - (U) Spirits 1.csv
Jumpstart - (W) Enchanted 1.csv
Jumpstart - (W) Heavily Armored 3.csv
They seemed ok but lands were labelled as 6 M21 and all my packs had 2 of each 3 basic lands from the set
I'd gladly do PR splitting those 6 lands to 3 pairs,
It seems all packs have the same structure so i'd change all decks to have 2 of each basic and later fix if any is proven to be different
And i see no "Faction cards" in deckbox so those didn't import, but it was expected
I assume "Jumpstart Front Cards" is just a placeholder name and will be replaced if/when those cards are added to db


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

3 UI
I kinda feel for this no JS style.
But with current SPAs, React etc not having JS is really niche.
And supporting no JS is a real pain in most tech.

I think this expand gradually style is a better approach than table, but it feels it needs some tweaks...
Ctrl + F doesn't work, Some categories are not 100% clear, going 5 levels deep with scrolling in some cases feels weird...
maybe some filtering on top...
maybe a bit streamlined layout, some "go into" optimizations so you don't scroll that much...
wider usable screen space...
I can't pinpoint exact solution though.
I'll try to present some prototype if I find a good idea.

4 Coop

If you have a reasonable directory structure - it is preferred to flat one. I got all CSVs with a script and didn't bother to reorganize them.
Each tree is a choice, so some good criteria would be nice. But in files structure you can search with more tools like find explorer utils, scripts etc.

As for stats i don't know if there are any analytics on github io. Probably not so Bitly might be still needed if it provides value.

If you have all files and upload them to git hub I can abandon my PR.

I just want to be able to PR e.g. adding types of lands to Jumpstart packs.

5 Jumpstart
The idea to have characteristic cards is great.

But still going through that much wasted screen space with constans scrolling is not great:
And usually you have more than one pack and will scroll back nad forth.

Hmm it worked ok when finding packs i got... it doesn't feel good but is functional. I found files I needed pretty fast.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I downloaded CSVs with a script and created a PR to original site repo with all CSV.
I found 440 of them. All precon csvs have 2.54 MB total (with sizes 400kb - 0.5 kb) Zip of all CSVs is 686kb

If meldon44 likes this idea he can accept PR and all CSVs I found will be versioned on his git hub repo as well.
This should make it easier to help add new files of fix errors in existing ones - anyone can clone a copy, fix/add and create PR.
If changes look good meldon44 could accept, reject or comment whet needs to be addressed if its generally ok but there are some issues.

https://namespacev.github.io/files/PreconDecksCsv.zip - zip with all CSVs as of 2020-12-13 if you don't want to use Git,
will get outdated if anything changes so git will be better to keep latest version

Github Pages has bandwith limit of 100GB per month,
https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-tea … age-limits
Seems like it has enough bandwidth but might be an issue at some point, so maybe keeping links to dropbox should stay.
But even then CSVs in git for reference/source of truth/making fixes easier is the way to go. Then exporting the latest version to dropbox.

But if PR is accepted you can easily change host links by replacing "https://bit.ly" with "/decklists/".
Then dropbox will not be needed as site will use hosted csv's directly.
I can show in next PR if this one is accepted.

I played a bit with UI, but I can't get any real improvement yet.
So that part has failed.

PS I remembered what i came here for originally - adding some jump start packs.
I'll check CSVs for ones i got and can create PR with lands etc in ones i got, if the first PR with CSVs is accepted.
Also UI i had issues with was mostly Jumpstart but its really special case so maybe only this one needs some tweaking,
as usual scenario is having a few packs and finding which one is which as they are not labelled,
so it could use a separate site for finding correct pack to load.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

1. Spellbook, from the vault and similar products

I see some Premium features around collecting. Maybe they make adding CSVs not wanted.
I'm more of a "use free stuff and write some own tools that suit me" rather than "pay for solution that adds to already expensive hobby" guy.
But definitely love what deckbox offers for free accounts and don't want to screw around their monetization model.

2. Dropbox vs Git

a) collaboration
Anyone can easily clone repo, change file contents/add files and propose changes, either fixes or new CSVs
with PullRequest they present their "version", you can see all changes highlighted, and either accept them as main version or not
and even if you accept changes that were incorrect there are tools to revert unwanted changes
(its easier or harder based on how they were merged and what changed after them)

I don't think you can set up dropbox like that
Downside is you need to learn some basic git commands and github UI.
And migration - if you have all files in some kind of directory you just commit them to git hub repo to some data folder.
If they are scattered you'll need some script to find, download and store them on some reasonable paths.
If you are doing anything around tech i really recommend learning git anyway as it is a really powerful tool for sets of text data like csv or code.

b) versioning
you have history of all changes saved, who and when changed them,
so if any file gets corrupted by mistake you can easily revert to file version from a few months away,
of if you see e.g. one person was sloppy when contributing you can review their changes later to double check them

also if you need to e.g. migrate as some CSV column changed name or format, e.g set name column "Rivals of Ixalan" was changed to use 3 letter code "RIX"
you can put changes in all files as a single "commit" so they are all marked as connected
and not only latest version is available, but all files before and after change can be downloaded if needed
git does the job of comparing all versions and storing only changes, so repo size doesn't grow too fast, but all versions are available

you can have multiple variants leaving in their own parallel universes called "branches", mix and match changes made on them
you can even try applying some changes made to old versions to a different version
(this requires both versions to be somewhat similar or it will not work reasonably, but magical merge algorithm works surprisingly well in most cases)

for simple CSV this is a bit of an overkill, more useful for working with code,
but even for CSV it allows more control, easier cooperation and experimentation
simple scenarios are pretty straightforward - you jus commit to change locally and push to change on server
but when you start adding multiple branches and merging different versions it can get complicated
and tools support all those different scenarios so they may be tricky to use some times
but i see you already host on git hub so you know at least the basics

c) organization
all CSVs are in one place and one can download repo or part of it to hdd if they want to
and if they want to run some scripts e.g. to import deck to Arena they can easier than in dropbox model where they have to use site or script crawlers

3. UI
It's a good practice to separate data and presentation.
So that you can create new presentation without altering data and add data without worrying about presentation breaking.
You can have multiple presentation options if you have separated clearly. e.g. One page with a table and another with expanding lists visualizing same data file.

We have a lot of tables in my work project so i suggested going with them as They allow filtering by multiple factors, searching etc out of the box.
But default setup looks worse than i remembers so definitely needs more work.

Not sure how good you feel about scripting. I'd put most layout work in Javascript and provide data to display in JSON, CSV etc.
This does require some learning to handle. And you have to unify structure, limit to a few styles rather than write custom layouts for all cases.
But then you can easily experiment with different changes and process data with scripts as layout and data are not coupled.

This is more of a mind set to learn - like in the script above,
thx for adding more info,
but when storing data like Category, Type, Note its much better to use different fields and glue them together in JS
than to concatenate all to Text field and have no option to change layout later or present list of all Categories with filter by category

4. General cooperation
I can prepare my version of https://meldon44.github.io/mtg-precons/
Hosting it temporarily on my account https://NamespaceV.github.io/

And if you like it I could PR to your https://github.com/meldon44/mtg-precons repo
I have some time ot experiment now as im not working for some time an d project seems fun,
but wont be able to support project in the long run.

github.io is great, i was looking for some lightweight free hosting and this is really nice
No server side scripts but other than that really great - mimics CD pipeline without any devops for static content
and JS + static files can do a lot if you like that stack


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hmm a bit more work than i thought but i made a POC.

Uploaded to my random github project as i couldn't attach zip here:
https://github.com/NamespaceV/MtgSearch … ctSets.zip

Example.png shows how it looks if it doesn't run.

It should just run if you unzip and open list.html in browser.

In data/extract.js you can see script i run to get list of files and names.
I removed some obviously empty records but didn't check data much.
Definitely needs improvements but for initial POC good enough.
At least parents should be added as some names make no sense when i extracted name in box alone.

Default DataTable styling looks bad but i didn't care much for POC.

It works and you can search - this was POC scope.

If this looks interesting I can develop this idea more.
If not i'll probably hack some more simple automation for myself.

Json lists all dropbox files i found, definitely needs double check and cleanup.
But you could download all with next script and then just reupload them in different paths e.g. to git hub.
Takes time and needs double checks but should be faster than doing it manually.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi is there an intention to add series like
"Signature spellbook", "From the Vault" etc to the list?

Also +1 for adding csv to git hub with PR's instead of dropbox.

Because the list is only going to grow.
And having all SCVs versioned in one place will make them easier to manage.
Its big but not Gigabytes big, just a lot of text files.
And if they ever need to be e.g. migrated a script + PR will do

And maintaining current navigation page with links looks like it requires a lot of work while being sub-optimal UX
A CSV with list of products could be generated instead
And feed as data to UI like https://datatables.net/
Making adding new sets and fixing bugs easier.