(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hey guys!
I'm super new to this website and really would like to speed up the process of inventory and deck building. I'm trying to catalog about 40 decks and at least 4 double boxes of cards for my boyfriend.
I keep adding to the inventory, then creating a new deck, then going back to inventory and adding those cards to the decks, but, it seems i need to drastically alter the deck afterward. 
Can I just build the decks and have it show as inventory? I think my boyfriend just wants a running total for his collection, for insurance purposes, so inventory is important - but I don't think he is trading or selling (he might, Im unsure).
I also can't seem to find how to catalog foil cards - I just ran across 2 woodfall primus's and couldn't mark that they are foil. (they are not promotional!)
Also, how do I go about adding sealed box sets? booster packs?
Should (or can I) delete everything I cataloged to start fresh?
I'm up against thousands of cards, duplicates in different decks, and being new to the site. (a.k.a. super overwhelmed!)  Any advice would be much appreciated!