Will you just sell the bulk?


(3 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

I have a complete set of forth edition and ice age if interested. Everything is there but basic lands.

How much for your whole collection?

I'm trying to find stuff for death shadow.
Things I need:
2 tarmogoyf
2 liliana of the veil
2 snapcaster mage
4 thoughtseize
4 deaths shadow
4 inquisition of kozilak

Things for trade:
Trop island nm-m
Tundra nm-sp
Cavern of souls avacyn restored
Horizon canopy
3 collected company
4 chord of calling
2 counter balance
2 torrential gearhulk
Anything else I have in my inventory
I will not take 20 $5 cards for a dual and
I'm not going to take your jenk so don't ask.


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'm new to here but I have a good repor on puca trade and eBay if anyone wants a reference. I have a revised tropical island in nm and a tundra in nm-sp. I also have a ton more stuff for trade 3 cavern of souls and a complete company counters deck for trade. I need 3 tarmogoyf 3 thoughtseize 2 liliana of the veil and 4 deaths shadow. Can anyone do a partial trade or help me out at all. Please look at my inventory everything is for trade.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Do you still have the horizon canopy? I have a mint trop I might be willing to trade