bellerofonte1986 wrote:

No, that token is only for Explorers of Ixalan, the code is E02 and the numbre is 001/001 T, same artwork but the symbol is different
Check other site for trade and sell card, and you will notice that they have it for sale separately

Ah! For some reason my mind interpreted that set icon as the one for Ixalan, and not Explorers of.
I am getting pretty tired, so that's probably it.

Thanks for pointing that out, which prompted me to look at it again, and discover that I did not see it properly at all!

bellerofonte1986 --
Check the set symbol on that Saproling token.
It's an Ixalan Saproling token, but WoTC did place them in a bunch of Rivals of Ixalan product.

meldon44, DevSQL --
Challenger decks have the same set symbols and card numbers as though they came out of booster packs from the sets they are from.

When importing BFZ lands, the count will only increment on the standard (non-full art) version of the card.
for example;

You have --
20x #262 (Full Art)
13x #262

You import --
20x #262 (Full Art)

In doing so, you will end up with --
33x #262
20x  #262 (Full Art)

I believe the issue is tied to the identical card numbers ("Forest [full]" and "Forest" have the same card number, for example).

Can this issue be fixed?

Tharax wrote:

Apologies if I missed it - but a lot of newer tokens are being printed as doubled faced cards. Is it possible to record/see both sides of a token, like how the art for Double Faced Cards shows?

This. A million times this.

Thanks LordMcMatty!

Adding on some more --
The extras (tokens, etc..) from all of the Duel Deck Anthology decks are missing.

UPDATE: Found them. They are located here; … -anthology

Just a heads up, the alternate text/alternate art Unstable cards are missing.
Here is a good breakdown of all of the variants; … rsions.htm


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Isn't it a shame that the company that owns the Magic brand doesn't produce an inventory tool? Seems like such a waste.......

This happens on at least 75% of purchases;

VERY frustrating.....


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

1. Drop autocomplete, add search magnifying glass button. It's a major pain in the @** right now trying to filter because the first card that matches the characters you have typed comes up unless you hit the enter key in millisecond time.

2. Add an alternative to PayPal. They are scum of the lowest rank. I used to have an account with them until it somehow got compromised, and when I contacted them (within 24hrs of the ATO), they refused to work with me because the party that had compromised my account had changed the security questions and e-mail address. To this day, I am unable to purchase through this site using my preferred card because of PayPal has blocked that card completely, even though they were never able to charge against it.