(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Is there anything from Chronicles of any value? Not being an ass, but they are reprints that supposedly destroyed the value of cards in the game (although not true anymore) and caused the creation of the worst thing in magic ever, the Reserved List.

But, does rarity really matter for Chronicles? Much the same for Portal sets too really. Although they had a rarity, the cards known from those sets are well known enough to justify their values without cause to care for rarity.  Pyroclasm was a Rare, when every other printing was uncommon in the game, but its price justifies that, even from portal.

NullParameter wrote:
qasur wrote:

I realize you are dealing with an API from TCGPlayer. Does it not handle any promotional sets from TCGPlayer?

Disclaimer: I don't actually work on Deckbox, I'm just a seasoned member with a little window behind the scenes from time to time.

First, TCGPlayer's support for promotional cards is spotty, at best, and not kept very well up to date.

Second, TCGPlayer doesn't supply all of the information that Deckbox needs to actually populate the card information (up to date card text, color, mana cost, etc.), and the names through their API aren't always kosher with what everyone else is doing (see Lim-Dûl's Paladin and its lack of price, which is caused by TCGPlayer using names that aren't processed correctly due to special characters), so it can be hard to relate cards correctly.

Could it be done?  Possibly.  But I think it would cause just as many issues as it solves because of missing/differing information.  And Deckbox would most likely, again, have to undergo a bit of a redesign to handle that type of gathering from TCGPlayer (if the API even supports that type of queries).  Personally, I'd rather wait to get the same type of data from magiccards.info that will be fully sustained and more robust.

Are they planning to use Magiccards.info instead of TCGPlayer then?

I realize you are dealing with an API from TCGPlayer. Does it not handle any promotional sets from TCGPlayer?

leitmotiv wrote:

Okay thanks. Also,


1. Emblems
2. Tokens (every available token, not just Unglued, or Unhinged; including Poison tokens)

Seeing as how WotC is considering adding rarity to the tokens and emblems, the collectibility of these types of cards will increase demand and prices.

I keep all really unique tokens, like the WB angel from Gatecrash. They are $1 each roughly, can only go up.


(0 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)

Hi, I am in need of 2x Flooded Strand. I somehow misplaced two and want a playset again.

Check out my inventory and tradelist if you can help me out!


P.S. Also always looking for non-Foil Unhinged Islands.


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Can we get a "trade" button in multiple places? I find the one on the persons profile isn't intuitive.

Also, a "trade for these" button that initiates a trade based on the list of cards you have vs cards another member has. I find that I want to trade for many cards on someones list and I have to copy/paste or retype every card after I open a trade.


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Weather effects foils a lot. In colder weather, as things shrink due to physics, foils tend to "wrap" inward on themselves.

Easy ways to fix this are keep your foils inside a warmer area for a time period really heavy books. Conversely, you can just pack them tight inside of a card box with other cards as well. Still keep them in a warmer climate to allow them to expand a bit to bend back into shape better. I always make sure to pack boxes FULL so there is no room for Foils to bend. In my 15 years of collecting, my 15-year-old foils are still flat because of this.

I also would suggest maintaining all foils in sleeves unless you keep a full box. Especially if you prefer double sleeving with KMCs perfect fit clear sleeves and a regular sleeve. The combination of that makes it harder for the foils to warp, although they still can.

Short of making sure that foils are not snug against a flat surface constantly, all foils will bend due due to weather or naturally over time sitting sidewards in boxes.

Also, don't forget that if you *play* with lots of foils, the standard riffle shuffle worsens the problem. It's also why I take curvature of foils into account for over-all wear and value. When I shuffle my own cards, I personally prefer side-shuffling, but I will riffle shuffle both ways (face-down and face-up). That way my cards experience the same bend in both directions to keep them from getting the standard "play bend". Doesn't prevent it or 100% stop curving foils or bent cards, but definitely slows it down or makes it little noticeable.

As far as trading goes, a high curvature of a Foil I would mark as HP (heavy play), or Good Condition. The more flat the card is compared to a high-curved Foil moves back toward Very Good, etc (rest-of-card-condition pending of course too).

As a basic reply to your requests:

There is a [ + ] button when you add cards. It will add a new line to the current entry of the same card and let you choose new set/rarity/language, etc.

Expansion symbols could use some work, but Gatherer actually *does* have the older symbols color-coded for rarity: black, silver, and gold. It was a change they made for Magic Online and ported it into Gatherer for easy reference.

I am with you on the expanding the Expansion Sets. I have mentioned at least 3 (now 4 times) that they really need to remove "promo" as an add-on to a card and instead include ALL of the promotional Expansion sets that the cards come from including at least: Pre-release, Launch Party, Buy-A-Box, FNM Promo, Grand Prix Promo, Judge Promo, Textless Promo, Junior Super Series (aka JSS), Summer Magic, etc.

The prices are reflective of the TCGPlayer pricing, by the way. Unless you change it, the prices are based on the "average" price, but this can be set to use "high" or "low" if you like by way of your preferences. Some cards list for $0.00 due to error with either TCGPlayer or DeckBox.

You can see the total value of your collection while on your inventory screen by hovering over "View" and clicking on "Show Value". This only throws the value up based on your total cards. I could see a reason to exclude all your cards of $1 or less, and could be a neat add-on just to give a person a reasonable idea of what their collection is worth minus all the chaff. Maybe even make it scalable by value? Like, it gives you the option to exclude cards with value less than $X.YZ? Seems cool. Might be difficult for DeckBox to program as I think there are hundreds of other places they could utilize their time and energy programming though.

I *really* like the idea of being able to add a scan for a card that is unique. I have many "big ticket" items that I would want scans of. Of course, you can always scan them for anyone interested, but it definitely would save time if there was a way to have them uploaded into your inventory already. Great request! Don't know how difficult this would be for DeckBox, but one to keep in mind.


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Although there have been some new changes, I still believe there are some big ones that need to be taken care of though.

A lot of cards I have are Promotional cards. A lot of the earlier Promos (foil or not) were FNM promos but before it really labeled "FNM" like the more modern cards are.

I've mentioned it a few times already, but Promo cards need a SET or EXPANSION to place them under, not a specific "flag". Promotional cards can range from FNM foils, Launch Party foils, Pre-Release foils, Judge foils, Grand Prix foils, and so-on.

There has to be a way to handle these because even TCGPlayer.com specifically handles each different version of each card, be it a foil, foreign, judge promo, etc.

Of course this request falls under the same issue, however, needs to be re-mentioned again: pricing of foils in general. Deckbox now separates all different versions of cards, but it will still only pull over non-foil prices for those cards. I cannot imagine TCGPlayer not being able to let you define the cards by foil or non-foil, as their own database is partitioned that way.

I have *a lot* of foils in my collection, including a lot of promo foils, and it badly reflects on my collection to use their non-foil prices. For many playable commons and uncommons that are $0.25 to $0.50, their foil equivalent can be between $5.00 - $10.00, and it would be nice to see deckbox reflect these real prices.



(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

New upgrades look good snd addressed many issues I laid out months ago, but still have a problem with Pricing on Promotional cards.

Promos are not from the set they were released in, so it only pulls the foil price from the set I listed the card from. Many judge and fnm promos are not from a specific set. Or, you could have foils from FTV or Duel decjs.

I have many judge foils and okd DCI and okd FNM foils that I cannot get priced right because the set shows wrong, like my Foil City of Brass... They aren't from Arabian Nights, but thats the picture.

How can we get that part fixed? It can be a big deal.

On the same level, what about foreign card prices? Right now it follows only the english values, and some Russian/Korean/Japanese cards foiled are worth way more in the real market compared to their english.cou.terparts.

raydenxxx wrote:

I think you should contact deckbox admin/dev and work with them instead of parsing the html produce by deckbox...
The app could be really better and you should not have to change your app after a small change in deckbox UI.

Thank you for your works, it's really appreciate!

I concur. HTML sparsing works, but direct access to the DB's will allow the app to work despite updates. Also will not create memory issues. You're essentially copying the entire page of HTML, then breaking it dowm. It is no wonder it fizzles on large db's

I guess it's nice, but an Android version seems essential. There are more Android devices than Apple devices.


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I just started using this site, but I immediately notice a huge problem with "inventory". I need a way to really specify exact quality of my cards by edition, if they're foiled/promo and/or signed.

Also, the "price" link is definitely off because it lists whatever it wants. I would rather it show the price of the actual Edition of the card listed (otherwise it's disingenuous for possible traders wanted to devalue your cards). I don't mind having to have a separate entry for each edition of a card I own as long as the prices match.

Most importantly though is that "Promo" be a type of "Edition" for a card, then have the different types be Foiled/Textless. Promo needs to be removed from "Properties" (become an Edition) and you can then slide "Signed" in as another type of "Property". Some players like Foreign/Signed while others loathe them. It would make searching and/or trading easier if you could easily know ahead of time what the cards were specifically.

For now, it's working great, but the specifics of the cards should be a #1 Priority here. I also don't think it would be that hard to implement the Promo and Signed changes, and they changes would definitely makes functionality of the site improve for me.

The last thing I would add is: If you add cards to your trade list and it's the total number of cards that are available on your list, then can it automatically "check" them in the Advanced settings? If I decide to trade 1 cards of 3, then yeah, I need to specify which one, but if I'm trading 3 of 3, then it'd be great if it auto-checked them. Really helps because it shows the set icon on the trade list (as well as foil/etc).

