(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I just discovered that feature last week, and it's been very helpful (especially when finding promos). However, I was wondering if there's some way to view a tradelist/wishlist breakdown like the normal one on the bottom of the profile page, but without being relegated to the group that you're in.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I joined deckbox, and have been trading only within the RedditMTG group, but I was looking for trading opportunities for a certain card, and found someone who not only owned that card, but others that I wanted, and vice versa.

In my understanding, there's no way I normally would have seen this person, as deckbox.org sorts my trading opportunities within the RedditMTG group. Is there a way to view trade opportunities outside of the groups that you're in?

Appreciate any help.

guyincorporated wrote:

Let's take down his personal info for the interim, please. 

Stay classy people.

Agreed. I'd love to hear how this turns out, as well.