(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Embarrassingly I made a new topic before finding this post.  I’m interested in both trading and discussing Flesh and Blood.

I’m curious what the interest around here is in Flesh and Blood. Are there any topics about it on the forum, and is there enough interest to have it added as one of the “other games” in that forum section.

Edit: sorry I posted this before searching for like posts, found one and responded to it. Please delete this as a duplicate!

I recently saw that users have the ability to buy and sell sealed product on Deckbox, but when I clicked in the marketplace link I didn't see many listings at all. I'm curious if there's just not much desire to buy sealed products among deckbox users, or if there's some other reason.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'd really like to have the option when looking at trade matches to filter by a decklist I'm building, so it just displays people who have cards on my wishlist that appear in that decklist. I generally trade to try and complete decks, and it would be super helpful for me.