(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Recently deckbox has become borderline unusable for me, the ads often cause my browser to slow to a crawl. I'll often need to have my task manager open simultaneously and continually end the flash player plugin whenever I open a new page.

Just a heads up in case anyone else is having this problem!

Flexible as to the final deal. Take a look!



Want: http://deckbox.org/sets/152644

1x archangel of thune
2x kalonian hydra
2x theros thoughtseize
2x Garruk, Caller of beasts

Thanks for looking!

Deckbox profile here: http://deckbox.org/users/Endarius


As stated, let me know if you have additional trade suggestions/negotiations!


(11 replies, posted in Chicagoland MTG Players)

Woodridge Here.

Nevpicasso wrote:

Someone else posted here asking the same thing.  Man, those MM swords are gorgeous!

Agreed! I think the collection of all 5 will look much better with the new art, hence the offer. The old stuff is not shabby though, and seems like it will be more of a collector's item.

Pretty much that- I'd like to trade my darksteel versions for MM versions. Hit me up!


Also have a Promo Silverblade paladin I'm trying to trade!

LootPinata wrote:

How quickly do you need them? I've got an Obzedat arriving soon that I'd put towards that Reckoner.

No terrible rush! Looks like You've got a few other things on your tradelist that I'm looking for that could even out the trade nicely. Hit me up with a request as soon as your Obzedat comes in!

Take a look at my tradelist, will be willing to equalize for stuff I'm looking for!

I've got a spare Boros Reckoner for trade, as well as a Godless shrine & a few other notables. Looking for Obezdat, Gifts Ungiven, and a few other notables. Thanks!

Click on my profile!


  • 2x Sacred Foundry

  • 1x Watery Grave

  • 2x Prime Speaker Zegana

  • 1x Stomping Ground

  • 1x Godless Shrine

  • 2x Breeding Pool

  • 1x Chord of Calling

  • 2x Gifts Ungiven

  • 3x Boros Reckoner

Rest on my wants are fill ins/can wait till they drop a bit in price.


There's some misc RTR rares/mythics I'm looking for as well, but I'm primarily interested in finishing playsets of the shocklands. Hit up my profile to see which ones I need in what quantity- thanks!

Ah, sorry mate- I think I need to clarify. Looking to trade (My) ooze for (your) bonfire. Should I have phrased my title differently?

That's about it... looking to trade a mint Scavenging ooze for a Bonfire of the damned. Hit me up if interested!

Full trade profile here: http://deckbox.org/users/Endarius

Looking for:

1x Temple Garden
1x Hallowed Fountain
2x Graven Cairns
3x Mutavault
1x Steam Vents
3x Gifts Ungiven
2x Maelstrom Pulse
1x Chord of Calling
4x Noble Hierarch
1x Bonfire of the Damned
3x Glimmervoid
2-3x Cavern of Souls

Other things on Wishlist are fill-ins.

Thanks for looking!
