Ok they finally completed it.  Your in and have full admin and I'm out.  Good luck and thanks.

Thanks, yes I do.  Congrats your the new admin.  I'll email deckbox support and they should have that fix sometime end of June. wink

Since your already a Mod (which is actually admin) I think I just need to ask support to make you the owner.  Let me know.

Admin is same as Moderator so you approve new members and take responsibility for the group.  Otherwise that's it.

Well I'm not here as often as I would like anymore and really the whole purpose for starting this group was to get more people trading in Canada which it has so I think it's time to pass the torch of admin to another person.  Any volunteers?

are we still doin this

I hope so but people have to post to this to enter.


(4 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

Well it's pretty awesome because I remember when I we were still in single digits and I thought this group would be a bust!  All I wanted was to trade to get my cards faster without waiting for the border hassles.  I mean 6 weeks for a trade, come on!!

Congrats everyone!!!

You can download it and connect to these guy's server


You can try to save the oracle set.xml file from my dropbox


and then tell it to download.  I have not tried this yet so if somebody can tellme if it works or not.

"Looks like cockatrice has been shut down due to a legal case brought forth by hasbro."

I know.  that's the cockatrice website that is down.  There are servers where we can still play.

My entry will be


Welcome to the first ever Canadian Community Cup!  We will be holding a Swiss tournament starting in April for anybody from Canadian Traders who would like to participate over Cockatrice.  Not sure about the server details but I'm working on it.

The idea is that you arrange with your opponent a time to play on Cockatrice and when your done post the results.  Then when the flight is done you'll be assigned a new opponent and a running points total.  I'm still working out how this works exactly and how many rounds.  I believe it's based on how many people signup.  Also at this time I think that Standard would be the best format for this first tourney.

To signup is a two step process.  1) post a comment on this site that you are participating and 2) in that post include a picture of your entry fee.  Your entry fee is a cool alternate art card, judge foil, custom playmat or something else crafty that you made that is Magic based.  Everybody will vote for a top entry fee item and the tourney winner will get that.  Everybody else will get a random item sent to them.  Don't mail your item until we know who you are sending it too.

I will arrange who sends what to who and I will also arrange the Swiss flights. 

Good Luck!


(1 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

Congrats everyone on making this a strong community on Deckbox.  We should do something cool to celebrate like a community Cockatrice tournament or something?  Yeah I know the main servers are down but it's not that way everywhere.  What do people think?  You can still use alternative servers like http://play.woogerworks.com/ to play.  Maybe cost of entry is one different card (i.e. altered,  3d,  foil promo, etc...) and we'll make them the prizes that I can ship back to everyone.  Of course the more generous you are with your entry fee the more imaginary karma points you'll get!




(5 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

I feel like I understand your sword "code" but it still hurts my brain.

... and I'm good now.  Thank you and this is why I started Canadian Traders!

I am looking for a Whispersilk Cloak for my Kaalia of the Vast commander deck.  I have stuff in my tradelist but I'm also open to any common/uncommon from my inventory.  If you have some more items from my wishlist all the better. Thanks in advance.


There's one on ebay right now.  The shipping they want is horrendous though.

http://www.ebay.ca/itm/MTG-Grand-Prix-T … 1090wt_857


(5 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

Perfect.  PING you're both now our new admin!  It's easy.  From your profile page click Canadian Traders and if there are any pending memberships click the green check.  I'll PM you the next time I see one. 

Thanks for your help.  Remember with great power comes great responsibility!


(8 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

Neat I'd go for one.


(5 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

Anybody want to help me press green checkboxes when we have a new member request?  Yeah I don't know why deckbox won't auto approve everbody who applies (like this feature would be too hard to create) but I've so far approved all 172 of you.  I'm kind of tired of it.  Anybody else want to press the button for a while??

thanks, Paul


(6 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

Jason from Surrey BC wins a brand new box of Gatecrash! 

Jason check your private messages and get back to me.

Congrats and thank you everyone for all your dedication to making this group the 2nd largest community on Deckbox!  Now let's get trading.

Really?? ok so click "My profile" and then "Canadian Traders" and then click the event from the Upcoming Events page.

I think you can go here.

http://deckbox.org/communities/canadian … vents/1161

Thanks for the suggestions everybody.  If you signup for the event then I'll consider you an active member regardless of what your trade status is.