I'm willing to trade up to $15 for someone to gift me it on Steam.

Also looking for some other EDH stuff in my wishlist.

I also have SoWaP, along with some other thing in my tradelist.

I have a Cavern, Bonfire, and more.

How about Cavern and a Bonfire for your playmat, Baneslayer Angel and a Thalia?

asmodeanreborn wrote:

If you want, I have a TON of foils I want to get rid of all at the same time. They're the ones listed in this trade (should probably just go ahead and cancel it, as it isn't happening):

I do want about $30 of stuff in return, though, so I can definitely understand if you don't want to do it. There's a ton of stuff on your trade list I'd want, starting with Drowned Catacomb and then going down in value from there tongue

I did notice that a few of the foils listed are on your wishlist, if that makes any difference.

Okay, well send me the trade offer, and I'll look over it. I'll be fine with trading the Drowned Catacombs.

I'm putting together a cube with my friends and I need a bunch of foils to use for proxying. Willing to part with most of the lower value stuff on my tradelist, but feel free to check out my full inventory. (mostly standard)