Hi. Checkout my profile which is my MTGO collection, without some more AVR stuff I need to add. I know I could find stuff from yiur list, what are you looking for?
2 2012-06-21 11:28:41
Re: Trying to Sell of My Tradelist (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
TheWorldHatesPaul wrote:I have a large mtgo collection and could use many of your commons. I would be up to trade some mtgo cards for your papee cards. chexkout my profile forbmy mtgo info.
Put a trade together for the cards you'd like, and I see plenty of stuff that I would be interested in online. Happen to have any other Avacyn Restored cards?
Trade sent. And yes, I have some Avacyn Restored cards I would trade, Griselbrand coming to mind. I will add my AR cards to my MTGO Deckbox account tonight or tomorrow and we can figure out the details.