(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'll preface this by saying that I'm fairly new to the Magic scene, having just started getting into the game a little less than a year ago. I started with a Kaladesh starter deck and a basic starter box, but recently I've been getting most of my cards from the Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan series. I mainly play casually, so I haven't gotten too serious about deck building quite yet. I also don't have a wide breadth of knowledge about all of the different cards in Standard right now, so I struggle with identifying flaws in my decks and what cards are best suited for them.

Recently, I've been getting some good pulls from my Ixalan and Rivals packs, so I decided to put together a deck built around them.
Here's the list:
I would post the whole list, but I didn't want to take up all kinds of space since there are quite a lot of distinct cards in it.

If I had to classify this deck as a specific type, I would say it's more of a combo deck, but the combos are contained to only a few cards each, so their execution is sometimes dependent on my top deck. It also has some more expensive creatures, so an ideal first 4-5 turns would involve getting 4-5 lands in play and getting 2 or 3 creatures out. Firebrand works well for applying damage early on, and synergizes pretty well with Lightning-Rig Crew and Headstrong Brute. Most of the Dinosaurs by themselves don't really combo into anything (except Tilonalli's Knight), but a good portion of the deck is built around getting the most out of the ones with Enrage, saving the Recovers and Raise Dead for if they ever go down. Assuming that these get drawn and survive long enough, Angrath's Marauders can help secure a win by doubling their damage output. It also works well with Charging Tuskodon, being able to deal massive player damage even without buffs, so it and Tuskodon can also be a win condition.

I know this deck has a few flaws, though. For one, it struggles to regain board control if it's lost by sheer quantity (like in a Panharmonicon deck), and lacks defense. It can also struggle against counterspell decks since combos depend on two or three cards. These are flaws I've found from just playing the deck against other people, not from just looking over it.

I'm not looking to get super serious with this deck, considering that I really only play casual, but I would like to be able to make it a little more versatile so that I don't have to rely on specific combos. I would be willing to buy specific cards, but I'd rather avoid spending exorbitant amounts of money, so I'll say that for now my budget is around $20.

I would really appreciate any constructive feedback on this deck and any advice on ways that I can improve it. I don't get the chance to play the game super often so I don't have a lot of opportunities to test it out.

Thanks in advance!