
happy for the reborn of this community, look forward to trade.
BTW nice company and sleeve



I think its malachite gaming supplies who start the community.

I'm currently doing some clean up andsorting new pile but of you wanna trade (or anyone else) jist send a message

Have a good day

Would like that. Will be easier to do multiple trade at same time

Also, for big trade, if we could sort the tradelist by edition (or other way) it would easier

(sorry for my english)

Looking to trade some ragavan for some flooded strand or Bloodstained Mire
Can't play legacy with them anymore so will make new deck


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Not sure since the picture is blurry but could it be the island #289 and forest #284 from revised edition?

but again can't be sure


(7 replies, posted in Set Collectors)

Hi, i'm dinad22, real name Dimitri.

I begin to play with fourth edition and been in and out since this periode. So got no card from some set but a lot from other.
Still got a lot of card to sort and i add them when i have some time.
Recently i was asking myself what to do with those cards and i start to collect. My goal is to collect one card from each set and since i begin to play with fourth i start with this set.

only need i few card to complete the set and if you have some card will be happy to trade.

PS : sorry for grammar english is not my first language
