Might also be interested in random vampire cards for a tribal EDH deck, and my wife loves zombies too.

Some of the stuff in my inventory is for trade, some isn't -- if anything catches your eye just let me know or offer a trade and we can work something out! Thanks.

Ah, okay, so if I see people with old dual lands who want to trade (at LGSes), I should probably go for it then.

Liliana of the Veil x2 (16pts) - 29$x2 = 58$
Geist of Saint Traft (6pts) = 20$
Snapcaster Mage (7pts) = 24$
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben x2 (1pts) = 4$x2 = 8$
Karn Liberated (3pts) = 13$

Total value is 123$, and the Tropical Island is probably around 95$? Is there something I'm missing in these trades? It seems like a bit of a rip-off to me..