(0 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hi all, I have an Ajani, Caller of the Pride from M13, never played Mint condition and ready to be traded. I would really like to get a Noble Hierarch + stuff from my wish list for it. Take a look. I'm motivated to get this thing in the mail today.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Ooh TyWooOneTime, that is good to know. Thanks for the info! I think it would be great if the little man were color-coded though, it would make things even better.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I really like this site for trades. However, I think that one item that would be great here is an "on/off" trading button for each account's mainpage. When you go on vacation or are out of town you can switch it to "off" and have some sort of a little red light or something show on your page when someone visits it letting them know you are not currently trading.

I think this would also be great with an automatic shutoff for inactive accounts (for example: Logged in today...green light, Logged in the last two weeks...yellow light, not logged in for more than two weeks...red light). Then traders like me won't waste our time setting up trades with players who have gone inactive and then sit and wait for a couple weeks wondering if they are going to respond.

I don't think the current system is sensible to put the "reported as inactive or unreliable trader" together in one function.

Anyhow, I think it would streamline trading for all of us and personally it would make me VERY happy big_smile
