Well i suggested the Zombie master for the swamp walk. the regeneration is a bonus. but we all look differently at our decks. but yours might work better i will agree.
2 2012-05-03 00:53:01
Re: What do you think? (14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Cemetery Reaper and Zombie Master i would put in and take out 2 of the highborn ghouls. They cost 1 more but the effects the cemetery Reaper and Zombie Master give you will make up for it. If you had a soulless one like in my zombie deck I would take a Tragic Slip out and put the Army of the Damned. for your normal deck. mostly cause soulless one gets +1/+1 for all zombies in play and in all graveyards. so Army of the Damned gives you +13/+13.
But i like the deck. if seems like it would work well. in the stats i did the new hand about 10 times and never got less then 2 mana to start and 2 or 3 cards with 2 or less use. Thanks for sharing