Got what I came here for. Danke!

I'd be willing to trade a bit more in your favor if you have a playset for trade!

My Tradelist

Bump + updates. Still shooting to finish by the end of the month!

Willing to trade in your favor to get this completed!!!

Specifically looking for:

3 Pact of Negation
3 Lotus Bloom
3 FNM Serum Visions
2 Boseiju, Who Shelters All
4 Simian Spirit Guide
3 Darkness

My Tradelist

Bump + updates. Hoping to get this finished before the end of the month smile

Bump + updated list. Getting close. Willing to trade in your favor (please be reasonable)

Bump + Updated Need List

Bump. Happy 4th!

Willing to trade in your favor to get this completed!!!

Specifically looking for:

3 Lotus Bloom
2 FNM Serum Visions
1 Boseiju, Who Shelters All
1 Simian Spirit Guide
3 Darkness

My Tradelist

Augustella wrote:

Would you trade for digital cards or tix?

Sorry, I would not be able to at this time.

I've got a bunch of standard stuff that I want to part with. It's getting to be difficult playing paper anymore, so I'm going to play MTGO instead. Everything in my inventory is for sale. I have a ton of commons/uncommons from Innistrad through M13 that aren't listed as well. What I have listed are my notable cards. I'm willing to sell for a little below TCGPlayer prices. Take a look at my inventory here:

I have a GoST, Huntmaster of the Fells.. I have many other cards as well, just check my trade list, but am in need of two Lili's. PM or leave a message if we can work something out.