(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Would you do the Stolen Identity, and either gameday Firemane Avenger or Duskmantle Seer for Domri Rade?

I'd be interested in the sword, but I have nothing on your wish list.

smilligan2 wrote:
Centipede wrote:

What are you looking for value-wise for the huntmaster?

Probably around 27-28.  It's a small amount of whitening on the top of the card.

Damn, all I have on your wishlist is a Deathrite Shaman.

What are you looking for value-wise for the huntmaster?

I might be able to pick up the Izzet pack, I'll know for sure this weekend.

I would do 150 for a set.


(21 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

2 Spindowns for Mikaeus the Unhallowed?

I've got plenty of Drowned Catacombs (and Diregraf Captains I think) but I didn't see anything on your tradelist that I could use.  Do you have other stuff that hasn't made the list yet?

I just found this thread when I was searching for your name.  I sent out a Temporal Mastery for 2 Phantasmal Images.  I sent your new account a trade like this too.