(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have one from my Edh deck. I didn't have any particular interest in parting with it before but the hype train is hot right now.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

For sale or trade for anything less volatile. Would love to get an Imperial Recruiter judge foil out of it right now. Make me an offer.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You have some things I may be interested in but nothing I am head over heels over. I will keep you in mind if  a Jitte never manifests.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Opened a pack of scourge on a whim and got a sexy new stifle. I have nothing that I can use it for and would like to trade it for a Jitte. Message me if you have any interest in it.

If you are interested morph, send me a trade request.


Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. I have a sealed box of Modern Masters that I need to sell ASAP. If you have any interest in buying this or any other card I have please send me a trade request and we will discuss it there.


I am looking to swap a Mox Opal for a Mox Diamond plus a little extra. I am also looking for a bunch of random to finish an edh deck. I have a lot of edh stuff and a few Modern Masters cards for trade as well. Come trade with me.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking to swap my Liliana plus whatever else for a wasteland. Come trade with me.

Tron is my modern deck and it is not for trade. Unless you want to swap urza lands. I have a foreign antiquities urza's tower (Forest art) that I would like to be an english 8th or 9th ed.

So my trading scene has been pretty dull lately and I would really like to shake up my inventory. I am just so tired of looking at this terminus and these Predator Oozes and these 6 vault of the archangels. The things I want (like a grim monolith and a mox diamond) are pretty far out of my reach so I am willing to just trade for anything of comparable playability and/or value. So if anything in my tradelist catches your eye just propose a trade and I will probably take whatever for it.

Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. I know this is a long shot but I am looking to work my Scavenging Ooze and whatever else you want into a Flooded strand. If not I am always looking for edh things or whatever other interesting things people can offer.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am totally disillusioned with the state of thragtusk v thragtusk standard right now and I would like to get out. I would like to trade away the deck listed in the side as "junk tokens" minus a few pieces that I need for edh. This includes:

2 Entreat the Angels
2 Temple Garden
2 Terminus
2 Abrupt Decay
2 Sorin Lord of Innistrad
1 Vraska
1 Liliana of the Veil
2 Thragtusk
2 Isolated Chapel
3 Woodland Cemetary
And some more stuff...

I would like to use these cards to build one of the cheaper modern decks that don't need fetches or shocks, Like Urzatron or Martyr of Sands. So I am looking for the pieces of that. Or Edh Staples. Or just any offer. Thank you.

I am looking for some things to get started on an elf oriented edh deck. I am also looking for Hallowed Fountains, Overgrown Tombs,  and Temple Gardens. I would love it if you would come trade with me.




(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

While everyone around gears up for RTR and some serious business with new cards and whatnot I think it is time to trade some jank around. I have got plenty of junk rares and other garbage that I would love to trade off for real things but I will probably never be able to do that. So instead I would like to trade my random shit for your random trash in large scale. I am not looking for anything in particular just something different. If you would like to make it into a real trade along the way I would certainly be open to it. But lets not limit this to regular junk cards; if you want foils, I have got foils, all of them terrible except my foil mental misstep and foil snow covered plains. If you want fancy lands I have 6 foils from random sets and 6 zendikar lands. Xathrid Gorgon Promos your thing? I have got like six of them! Tokens really get you going? I have got a bunch from shards of alara until now including 3 double faced angel/demons and a Tamiyo Emblem! Giant commanders float your boat!?! I got Sigarda and Grislebrand! Wowie Zowie! So open up a trade and lets make it as stupid as possible.

Trade List : http://deckbox.org/sets/176575