(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Let me know if you're interested, I'll look at tradelist


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hit me up if you have either pack foil or prerelease promo!

picked up more cards, updated OP with current needs.

picked up Daretti, updated OP



I've put a lot of cards on my wishlist, links below


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

check out my tradelist.  I used to have a mimeoplasm deck, which I've taken apart, so I may have some of the things you're looking for.


I don't have anything on your list, but would be interested in your anafenza.


Links below

I would trade for a sneak attack


MangoSplash wrote:

Should be getting a set of promo Sneak Attacks in the mail soon. If you are interested please start a trade smile

I am interested smile just let me know when it's available

D_Lillz89 wrote:

You no longer need the bribery I assume?

I still need it

The 3 missing fetches I need are:

Misty Rainforest
Marsh Flats
Verdant Catacombs

WarLordUSA wrote:

Are you looking for promo Vengevine?

Sure, I'm having trouble finding a pack foil.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


I have some of the Jeskai cards you're looking for above; start up a trade if you're interested; I'm looking for a delta and titania.

karemmarek wrote:

looking for 2x cryptics, 4xmistys, and 4xremands. I have a foil sarkhan, deltas, and titiana. Let me know if you're interested.

You don't have any cards in your inventory or tradelist....

I have a foil snap for trade and am looking for a foil tarn

Let me know if you're interested!


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
