I have a Watery Grave, interested in Snapcaster.

Sorry I no longer need abrupt decays.

Pharva wrote:

Do you need bonfire of the dammed?

No sorry.

And to Luminaxe I don't have any of those lands and I got rid of the Lili and PoE, sorry.  Is there anything else you see?

I have the Bant Control list I have posted under my name, viewable here: http://deckbox.org/sets/258365.  The whole deck except for the cards that I will be using in UWR are for trade, like the resto angels and Hallowed Fountains.

I want a UWR Tempo deck or atleast cards from it including:

3x Geist of Saint Traft

4x Snapcaster Mage

4x Sulfur Falls

4x Steam Vents

4x Clifftop Retreat

2x Thundermaw Hellkite

2x Moorland Haunt

I have other wants as well, like cards for a Modern Merfolk deck but I will entertain any offer so feel free to start up a trade.

Edit:  I updated my wishlist.

I am interested in the Jace.  Start up a trade if you see anything you want.

Have a Snapcaster and Niv Mizzet, interested in armada wurm.  Send me a trade on deckbox is interested please.

Hey are you looking to do just a Sorin for a Liliana?  I would do that.  Just propose a trade if so.

Yeah the title pretty much says it all.  Either propose a trade or submit a reply.

Sent you a trade.

I want to trade my Snapcaster for a Geist of Saint Traft and like a random dollar card or something.  Either respond here or start up a trade if interested please.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have one Snapcaster I'd put towards your bonfire, so if you wanna see if there is anything else on my list that you are interested in that'd be nice.

Are you only selling them all together?  Individually?  How much for all together and how much if I wanted just one.

I want to trade a Liliana of the Dark Realms for an Entreat the Angels.  Just trade me or something if you are interested.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am interested in the Thragtusk, send me a trade if you are interested.