
I'm new on this website but have some references on other websites. You can read my Bio.

I have entered some Ixalan Russsian cards and some French cards from Standard.

I did not set prices yet and have some work to do with shipping costs.

I wonder if this is interesting to enter C/U for collectors since it takes a lot of time to sort, list, sell and find, it weights, and lot of cards I have are in French which is not always International. What are your experiences ?

I'm looking for people who want to get those cards (French speackers or collectors orpeople that do not care playing French cards). You can reply or send me a message.

I prefer getting English cards that are for me easier to trade internationnaly, but if you want to ditch some French cards I can manage doing something with it.

I have also English cards of course and some JAP and CH cards and a lot of French foils partially listed.