As the title states I am looking for Huntmasters of the Fells and Thalias, guardian of Thraben , 2 of each to be exact, and a full playset of the promo avacyns pilgrims. They are all for a deck I have been working on for a while so I would like to get them as soon as possible. If you are up for a trade please go to my Deckbox and look at my inventory. nearly everything there will be up for trade so make an offer, Thanks!

I know I dont have any single card I can trade straight across for a Huntmaster of the fells, but if I have enough cards that you want for one please offer a trade! I also need 2 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, so go look in my inventory and see if I have anything you might want. Thanks!

Hey there, there is not anything you have that I need at the moment unless you happen to have some Rancors or Birds of paradise to finish off my deck I am working on. Speaking of it, it is a GW human deck that I really like to play.       
That is the decklist so you can look at it and maybe get some ideas or tell me what you think of it.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

The title says it all. My lgs sold the few they had, pretty much the day they became standard. Everything in my tradebinder is up for grabs obviously, so you can look there help me out thanks.

I have only been playing for about 2 months and am now starting to build my own decks. One is a delver deck which only needs snapcasters at this point but I do not care as much about them as I do the other things on my wishlist. My other deck I am working on is a GW human deck that will only include stuff that wont rotate out. If you could go to my tradelist/ wishlist and consider any trades please do, it helps me a lot. Thanks!

I am new to Magic, I only started about 2 months ago, and love it. I am at a point where I am building my own deck/ decks. Well two decks to be exact, one is basically done except for snapcaster mages, and the other needs a few things to finish it. Any help is appreciated and thanks to anyone with trade offers. anything in my trade list is pretty much up for grabs. My wishlist will show you what I am looking for.