Anyone else having issues with some of the CSVs from the Precon DB? Had the Archenemy Token (Nicol Bolas), Phyrexia vs Coalition DD, Game Night (GNT) Tokens, Planechase (PCA) Planes AND phenomenons, and Planechase (PCA) Tokens list all download without anything but some weird characters in the first row.
1 2023-11-29 05:18:10
Re: [Resource] Precon / Sealed "Quick Add" (113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
2 2019-08-03 22:52:53
Re: [Resource] Precon / Sealed "Quick Add" (113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
MAJOR UPDATE: I created a web page (hosted on GitHub) that should be a 99% comprehensive listing of all preconstructed products that WotC has ever released (excluding some of the most basic starter decks, like the Two Player sets and Welcome Decks). If there's a product that I haven't listed, please let me know and provide a link to the source!
And yes, I borrowed Deckbox's styling, just for fun.
Doing this allowed me to clean up / shorten the original post in this thread (since this forum software doesn't include spoiler blocks), including only the most recent products that the majority of people will want to be adding.
Tested on Chrome (desktop and Android), Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Opera.
Internet Explorer 11 does not support the Javascript, so instead the page displays a "jump menu" in place of the dropdowns.
I just verified the CSVs for PC2009 Zombie Empire, Commander (2011) Counterpunch, Commander (2011) Devour for Power, and Commander (2011) Mirror Mastery and the CSVs you have are correct with counts, including basic lands.