(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

specifically wanting to get into modern, dont have a specific direction though so ignoring the expensive fetchlands and just establishing a permanent mana base to craft homebrews whenever

i to am interested in the cradle, hit me up

bump, got lots of trades going, its magical. Also random I know but I have a metric crap ton of Heroclix if anyone is interested in those for magic cards ever just ask what you are looking for

take a look at my tradelist, even my inventory and lets get some EDH decks finished!

send an offer

may want to put some cards in your tradelist, i have a hallowed fountain and overgrown tomb but need to know what you have

my wishlist is what I am focusing on clearing out, the best deal I could possibly imagine is the two Eldrazi I need but really I am fine with alot of smaller cards off the wishlist.

nothing really popped out man sorry

see title ^ pulled new planeswalker that i'll never use in edh so want to get some cards outta it, be sure to look at tradelist as well

sent a trade over

sorry i just Googled a price lol really, forgot how broken coolstuffinc prices are

Look at wishlist, i value the emblem at 3 bucks really

have griselbrand, cavern of souls, and some other cards. Check out my binder for other wants and trades

as it says im looking for cards for my two new edh decks, so clearing house alittle, username is same on reddit