(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Please check the screenshot attached. It seems that something is going wrong with some special characters. Or is't something else?

Also a ? (questionmark) appears when doing a mouse over on Junún Efreet price instead of my straight mousepointer.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Since i'm new to this awesome site i'm just exploring all functionality's. I really would like to request the following feature's:

- Prices for cards/inventory/decks in euro's. A option in the userprofile to have the prices displayed in dollars or euro's would be a nice feature

- Exporting the inventory/decks to a CSV file. A universal filemethod to have a offsite backup of the list smile. A option to select the exported fields would be great (card name, serie, amount, price, etc etc).

- Set the default language for cards. I'm busy with inserting all my (english) cards and after i have insert 1 card into my inventory i need to edit this card to set the edition (which is ok) but since all my cards are in English i preffer to set the default language so i don't have to set for every card the language.

- Display the price per card by serie. I have the same cards from multiple series and have noticed a big price difference between the same card from different series. A expand function with + or so would be great to see th prices for a card ordered by serie.

- A simple list with al the icons for the different series (in my case magic) when inserting a card. Maybe just a simple link (on the inserting page) with a popup which shows the simular list like http://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/Resour … rules/faqs . This list was really helping myself with identifying the series/cards.

If the features are already in place, please point me to were i can find them.

Once again thanks and let me know if you need any support with anything. Alway's open to help. Also let me know when you don't understand my request/situation.