the_wizard_666 wrote:
Eddie wrote:
the_wizard_666 wrote:

TyWoo's advice won't mark them all as being M13 either, he'll have to manually edit them on his inventory page...assuming he cares about the edition of course.

Is there any way to automatically assign the edition ? Manually changing edition for 1000+ cards is a chore.

You could do like I do and use the advanced input to input each card individually.  When you go into the "Add cards" listing, you have three options: You can list individually, you can list in bulk, or the third tab where you list individually with details. Just change the drop-down Edition list, and then change the quantity you're adding.  It's more time consuming than the bulk listing, but less time consuming than changing them after the fact.

I already have them listed, so removing them and typing them again is a definite no.
Thanks for the tip, though (and I'm using this for the new cards I add).

the_wizard_666 wrote:

TyWoo's advice won't mark them all as being M13 either, he'll have to manually edit them on his inventory page...assuming he cares about the edition of course.

Is there any way to automatically assign the edition ? Manually changing edition for 1000+ cards is a chore.