(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Let me know what you have.


My: Silverblade Paladin, Promo Restoration Angel.

Your: Liliana of the Veil.

All cards in near-mint condition? Let me know. Thanks.


Trade proposed.

Three Stomping Ground for one of the foil Obzedat, Ghost Council?

Let me know.


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Yes, I'd be interested in any number of things, from the full-art Zendikar lands, to several of the different foils, to some of the promos (possibly, I need to double-check; I haven't put together any accurate list yet).

If you let me know what you want from me, I'll propose a trade.


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Let me know if there's anything you'd like out of my tradelist.


I am interested in so much, it wouldn't be worth listing. Everything from foil commons to bulk rares to tokens. I'll look at your list and find a trade. Let me know what you want and we'll get something done!


Notable Haves:

* FNM Promo Pillar of Flame
* Supreme Verdict FOIL
* 2 Detention Sphere
* Selesnya Charm FOIL
* MTGO Tickets

Notable Wants:

* StarCityGames Tokens (especially Kristen Plescow tokens).
* RTR Assassin Tokens.
* Any and all promos (almost).
* Otherwise, I'll look at lists. There isn't a trade I consider to be too small and I can almost guarantee I'll find something.

Please note: I only ship to the United States.

Sevorge, yes, that works for me. I sent the trade. Please confirm.

I am looking specifically for the Kristin Plescow tokens that they had been giving out with orders over the course of the last month. I am interested in all of them, but I'm placing a premium on Spirit and Zombie tokens.

