Hey Sebi enjoying the new update, still trying to get my head around it haha. I have noticed that the card count only is highlighted if there is a conflict within the deck, but not with other decks.
In my example, i have 1 each of 4 different versions of esper sentinel. I have one deck that needs 4, which i have split into 4 rows each matching one version. I have another deck that needs one, and it is set to one of the versions. This doesn't highlight yellow or prompt cards not matched to collection, when previously it did. I have the setting for sharing cards between decks turned off. In the image you can see for the third copy I have only one of that printing, and need two in my built decks but it isnt yellow.

Another suggestion is to add the split row button to the new edit this row only drop down, same as in the edit all menu.
