(18 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sebi, if I had to choose one of your two options, I would go with #1.  Specifically, the pipe-delimited version, since it would make it a little easier to create/alter import files in text editors.  I think the two options have separate use cases, however.

Option 1 is good for people who have their own XLS or CSV tracking files, or people who are also using a desktop app with an export feature.

Option 2 would be good for something that I do, which is import Starter Packs (like the new Scars precons).  I just go out to Cardkingdom or something, copy the decklist, and paste it into the text box.  If the dropdown existed, I wouldn't have to take the extra step of going into a text editor and replacing paragraph breaks with paragraph break, pipe, 'Scars of Mirrodin'.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

You can assign the Edition of a card after you enter it.  Once it's in your inventory, click on the little arrow to the left of the card title.  Then edit card details, and assign edition, as well as foil, condition, and if it's a promo if you want.  I wish you could assign it during entry of the card initially, but I believe I read that this is an upcoming feature.

BTW, the site has really helped me to organize my cards.  Makes crafting decks easy too, by doing it on the website, and then I just use what I made as a checklist when I'm pulling and sleeving the cards.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Agree with the comments above that these would be super-useful features.

I've really just gotten into MTG recently.  This is the first site I've tried, since it seemed to meet most of the things I was looking for in a tracker/organizer.  I love the fact that it's a website (not a desktop app), so it's available anywhere: home, work, friend's house, even a tourney.  However, I feel like I'm sort of compromising on how I'm using the site.

I have mostly M2011 cards, along with a few hundred each of M2010, Zendikar, and RoE.  Since there isn't an easy way to indicate edition when entering cards, I've only entered the M2011 cards for now.  I could go into each of the >200 unique cards I have, select the >1000 total cards, and update the edition and "foilness" for each one.  After doing that, I could go and enter the cards from the other editions, update their editions and foilness, etc.  But that seems like a lot of work, so I've been holding out for a new feature to make this easier. 

Like I said, I absolutely love this site, and want to see it become huge.  The interface is awesome, the portability is a huge plus, little things like the auto-complete make a big difference, and the database offers everything I need.  I just hope that the little missing features get ironed out soon smile

Thanks to the devs who make this site for all of their work; I think it's awesome that you guys/gals have made something this great for free that people can use.  I really think you're on to something here.

Would like to see this.

That would be awesome... make building decks a lot easier!