(50 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Im the second party in this unfortunate situation.

It's neither my fault, or Helios's fault that the cards never arrived. The post office lost the package, (Tracking conforms it).

I stand on my offer to provide $15 in value to help the pain of lost cards.

Interested in kiki!

check my inventory (keeping my fetches/shocks)

Interested in 1 jace, 1 steam vents

check my inventory (everything except the fetches/shocks are for trade)


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

trade ya a niv-mizzet for a bloodcrypts.

hit me up.

intrested in jace / blood crypt.

check out my inventory for trades (everything but the fetches and shock lands)

I got a vesuva i would trade for a steam vents.

hit me up.

interested in top / fetches.

most of my inventory is up for grabs.

hit me up.

like the title says, i have troll and abrupt decay,

looking for shocklands and tamyo

hit me up

I have 3 gravecrawlers that I would be cool parting with.

Interested in any of: misty rainforest, top (lowest priority), and of course snapcaster. hit me up


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

What would you guys guess this is worth?



(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Notable Haves (entire Inventory is up for trade if the trade is good)

Gravecrawler 4x
Land Tax
Cruel Tutor
Nirkana Revenant
Null Rod
Manabond x2
FOIL dragonstorm
Goblin Welder
Promo bloodbraid elf
4x Mind funeral
Sol Ring (commander)
Sol Ring (4th edition, heavily played)


FTV: Realms (opened but have full set)
FTV: Relics (opened but have full set)
FOIL Cabal Ritual (condition: fair)
FOIL Dragonstorm

Wants Im trying to complete a full set of fetches of which I currently need

2x Bloodstained Mire
3x Windswept Heath
2x wooded foothills
4x Flooded Strand
4x Polluted Delta
2x Misty Rainforest
3x Verdant Catacomb
2x Scalding Tarn
3x Arid Mesa
4x Marsh Flats

Other things I want
1x Abyssal persecutor
2x Resto angel
1x Seedborn Muse

But I would love to see your tradelist!

Hit me up!


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey, just found a playset of mind funerals

I would love to get some new fetches or EDH staples or really anything.

Hit me up and lets trade!


Didnt release woodfall primus was worth so much. Of course i would be trading for fair value...

like the title says

I got
1 temporal mastery
1 huntmaster of the fells

Which I would love to unload for some of the new fetchlands and a woodfall primus

Most of my inventory is up for trade for the right price.

Hit me up


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got a land tax for trade,

Looking for alot of things but i would love to get some of the new fetch lands.

Hit me up

But if your looking for some darkpacts let me know. :-)


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Dark Ritual Galore here,
3 Revised
2 3rd Edition
3 4th Edition
1 Urza's Saga
4 Mercadian Masques
2 Mirage
1 Ice Age

My inventory is up for trades as well

Im down to trade for pretty much anything. But I have a special spot for modern/standard staple lands smile


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I would love this!


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Personal tutor up for trades if anyone is interested let me know and ill look though your cards.

Still adding cards to my inventory so my wishlist / trade-list are pretty scarce atm.

Thanks in advance!