Why do the cards that begin with a nickname "Fungus Face" McGillicutty for example not have prices listed?
3 2010-10-02 22:07:10
Re: Assigning Editions - HELP (4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
This site has helped me and my wife immensely. We have a bunch of cards we want to sell but carrying all those cards around sucks. So now when people ask what we have, we show this this site, our trade list, they tell us what they want, we go home, pull it, then give it to the person next time we meet.
It has made life as a collector and trader so much easier
4 2010-10-02 07:36:57
Topic: Loot cards (2 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)
I don't play on official WoW servers and I got Disco Inferno that is a loot card and holographic. How much is it worth?
Also, I got a Heavy Knothide Leather card... What is that used for? It doesn't have a code on the bottom.
6 2010-09-18 18:36:46
Topic: Holographics (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Is there a way to mark cards in our inventory as holographics? I have quite a few cards holo but no way to mark them as such, as far as I know. If it isn't a feature, could we make it one?