(4 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Wheres all your inventory?


(0 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hi all,

Been using the site for a while now but never really said much. Just thought thought I'd say hi from Yorkshire in the UK, its nice to see posts from all over the world on the site.

My use of the site is mainly collection and currently older sets, in my case not having to be mint condition but its nice to have the artwork from the older sets in my possession. My main games are table commander with friends when possible in a busy life and crazy times.

Take care


psrex wrote:
Cleggy89 wrote:

im not sure what to do for just casual gaming with people?

Where I am Commander has pretty much taken over casual gaming.  I can head in with a Commander deck and usually find games, but other than that everyone wants to test their Standard, Modern, or Pioneer decks, so you'd be playing tournament Magic, just not in a tournament setting.  If I'm not playing Commander I would draft instead, as then I don't need to have a deck ahead of time.  My store drafts every Friday and some Saturdays, so there are plenty of chances to play.

Thank you for the help, I think once the isolation has been lifted here il have a wander to the store and see what the crack is. Ive been told the guy who owns it isn't that genuine but I have no other store nearby. Il have a look what other people are doing and ask around.

Thanks again Psrex

m smile

psrex wrote:

Are you looking at Magic as mainly a game to play or something to collect?  What formats are popular at your local store?

If you're looking mainly to play, I would skip collecting sets and instead purchase or trade for cards as you need them rather than trying to build up a large collection.  You'll end up getting a decent collection anyways over time as you modify decks, retire decks or draft.

I do happen to collect sets, and I like to pick them up as they rotate out of Standard.  They're a lot cheaper then as a lot of people just focus on Standard and don't want the cards any longer.

Hi Psrex,

I like the idea of being able to go into my local game shop (ive not been before) and be able to sit down and just play games, not looking for competitive magic gaming. I enjoy the collecting side of the card atm as I do enjoy being a collector of sorts anyway, I chose Ixalon because it jumped out at me and I like pirates ha. I just didn't know if I went with my own ixalan deck would I be able to sit down and play? id take extra cards with me also. im not sure what to do for just casual gaming with people?

Hi all, as a newbie to MTG collection and playing I have a few questions in which direction to head with my collection and play.

As of now I am looking to complete my collection of Ixalan and and Rivals of Ixalan. I don't own any of the core collections and I wondered if it was a good idea to start collection the 2019 or 2020 core set? I do play on MTG Arena atm due to the situation but after this is all over I would like to sit down on a Friday and play.

What set or core set would I need to play straight away? Would I have to keep purchasing the newest set just to go sit on a Friday an play with everyone else?

Thank you for any advice given

M. smile


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hi everyone,

I am happy to be a new member of this great website, i started collecting on and off around a year. I am on the way to collecting Ixalan but havnt had much play time due to the ongoing situation.

I will be looking at purchasing cards off people soon and have a few cards to trade myself, just wanted to say  hello and hope to talk to people about advice or just a chat. Thanks
