Why does "Interesting Cards for Trade" show cards from other countries?   That's not very helpful to me.


I just bought one for $30

Lemme know if interested!

EDIT:  Boon Satyr has been traded away

I enter all commons and uncommons in my deck box trade list so take a look!

Thassa + Nykthos + Master of Waves for $50?  Anyone WTB?

H: Foil Boros Reckoner W: umezawa jitte or 2x Cavern of Souls

EDiT: trade is now completed

Anyone want to buy for $26?

EDIT: Card is now sold

got what I need now thanks!

no longer needed

I'm just getting too many cards and need to purge...

Would have to be in the Hamilton region for pickup

it says the value is $618 but I'd be happy to get like 1/3rd... so like $206?

Any interest?