Hey traders! I'm traveling to the other side of the county to attend GP Oakland in a few months and I'm looking for foil cards of the two artists above to get signed for my collection. I put some of them in my wishlist already but if you have any of the cards in foil from the links below, please send a trade request.
Rahn%22%5d (Rahn)
(I have: Argent Sphinx, Corpsejack menace, Craterhoof, Crypt Chast. Need Rest)
bson%22%5d (Jacobson: Mostly Standard Stuff here)
(I have: Gyre Sage, Martial Law. Need rest)
On a side note: Does anyone know why Gatherer doesn't include promo cards in it's search of cards by artists name? I have a textless card by Chris Rahn, but it doesn't come up on Gatherer.